Criticising Cultural Marxism doesn’t make you Anders Breivik

So many of the tenets of the modern Left can broadly be described as Cultural Marxism – opposition to tradition and hierarchy, radical gender politics, the Marxist theory of race, intolerance towards non-orthodox thinkers, the necessity of changing the language, the idea that criminals are victims of society, marriage is oppressive and exploitative, and nations are artificial, imagined communities.

Antonio Gramsci, one of the intellectual fathers of Cultural Marxism

You know that thing when you’re stuck in a lift with someone and it breaks down and you’re alone, and then he mentions, offhand, that Cultural Marxists are trying to bring down Western civilisation? Yep, I know that situation – because I’m that man.

Following the sentencing of Anders Breivik, who used the phrase “Cultural Marxism” several times in his tortuously long book of self-justification, a number of articles have asked about the terrorist’s supposed hinterland and identified this obsession as a central theme.

On the BBC Matthew Feldman writes:

Literally hundreds of references to Breivik’s main enemy, “Cultural Marxism”, derive from the Christian Right in the US, while its allegedly anti-Judeo-Christian offspring, “multiculturalism” – for which, read “Islamification of Europe” – appears more than 1,100 times across Breivik’s 1,513-page manifesto.

And Daniel Triling argues in the New Statesman:

The “cultural Marxism” that Breivik blamed for Europe’s Muslim takeover is a conspiracy theory that was born in the US. It contends that a small group of Marxist philosophers associated with the Frankfurt school of critical theory plotted to destroy western civilisation by encouraging multiculturalism, homosexuality and collectivist economic ideas.


Complete text linked here.

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