The race riot … and the media cover-up by Colin Flaherty

This dull warehouse was transformed into the Grand Re-opening of Spot 200, a professionally produced party, with lots of lights and cool props; promoted by and for black people. The same people had the same kind of party one year before at the same place with the same result: Fighting. Shooting. Property destruction. Big police response. One person shot.

After looking at hundreds of cases of black mob violence in more than 70 cities all over the country in the last three years, I have found that racial violence is far more widespread than I had ever imagined.

As is the denial of it.

Which is also what the great Thomas Sowell said after reading my book, “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.”

But you do have to know how to find it.

So let’s look at one case: How the press ignored it; how the police denied it; and how we figured out what really happened on Aug. 5 when 800 people were fighting, firing guns, destroying property and “confronting” Delaware State Police at 2 a.m.

First, contrary to what a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch told one of my readers, you cannot just assume the crowd is black. No matter what part of town the riot takes place.

In this case, the violence and mayhem took place in an office-park complex in a usually quiet section of a suburb of Wilmington. The local paper did not give us much to go on.


Complete text linked here.

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