Presidential Campaign Needs To Be About What’s Best for America, Not Race

“The post-civil rights movement black political culture embraced an agenda exactly the opposite of what the civil rights movement was about.” Conservative commentator Star Parker, who is black, “Its agenda was to get laws and policies that were not neutral but racially slanted and to put individuals in power based on their race and not on their character and capability.”

As the presidential campaign gets under way, it is in the interest of all Americans that it be about what is the best path to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for our country. Unfortunately, early indications suggest that appeals on the basis of race will be a key ingredient in the contest.

In May, House Democrats were tutored by a George Soros-funded pressure group, the Center for Social Inclusion, to “address the issue of race to defend government progress,” reported the Washington Examiner.

According to the Examiner, “The prepared content of a… presentation to the House Democratic Caucus and staff indicates that Democrats will seek to portray apparently neutral free-market rhetoric as being tinged with racial bias, conscious or unconscious.”

Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion told the lawmakers that “conservative messages” are “racially coded” and suggested ways to combat them. In Ms. Wiley’s estimation, the facts of matters in question are not important. Rather, she said, “It’s emotional connection, nor rational connection, that we need.”

She argued, for example, that Newt Gingrich’s labeling of President Obama as a “food stamp president” cannot be “a race neutral statement, even if Newt Gingrich did not intend racism.” Thus, even though the food stamp program has grown dramatically in recent years, and despite the fact that most recipients are white, to discuss the question is somehow to engage in “racism.”


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