Police chief blames ‘Pilgrims’, cops for Chicago violence (Video)

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s newly minted police chief has become a quick study to the “Chicago Way,” which, apparently, requires McCarthy to engage in politically correct mumbo jumbo whenever possible.

It’s official: With more than 240 dead, Chicago’s murder rate has surpassed the body count in war-torn Afghanistan. But as the city death toll continues to mount, outraged residents are asking questions and city officials are scrambling for answers – at least, the politically correct ones.

Answers that usually involve blaming dead white guys or ones that are still kicking.

But is politically correct silliness really what Chicago needs right now? Has the rhetoric of civil rights victimization from Rev. Jesse Jackson and Fr. Pfleger benefitted anyone in the black community?

Or do Chicagoans really need an unvarnished reality check from their public officials?

If it is the later, Chicago residents may have their work cut out for them.

Recently, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy joined black political leaders and community activists in a live radio forum, hosted by Clear Channel-owned WGCI-FM, to discuss Chicago’s violence epidemic and what – or who – is really to blame.

However, when it comes to the causes of violence in Chicago’s black community, talk of racism is never far behind.


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