Illegal Aliens a Drain on U.S. Taxpayers, Report Says

Illegals have a tendency to live in poverty or near poverty, CIS reported. Noting that near poverty is defined as less than 200 percent of the poverty threshold, “26 percent, the national [poverty] rate for illegal immigrants by themselves, is about twice that of natives. The rate is even higher (30 percent) when their U.S.-born children are included. …”

As we observed in our August 10 article, “CIS: 40 Million Immigrants in U.S. in 2010,” illegal aliens are largely poor and uneducated and drain the welfare and public education systems. A survey from the Center for Immigration Studies shows. “Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America’s Foreign-Born Population” paints a startling picture of the nearly 11 million illegals and their children.

The survey shows that about 40 million immigrants live in the United States. A little less than 28 percent, or 10.5 million, have crossed the border illegally and are flouting U.S. law.

Illegals are about 3.5 percent of the U.S. population.

The Number of Illegals

According to the CIS, about “28 percent of all immigrants are in the country illegally. Roughly half of Mexican and Central American and one-third of South American immigrants are here illegally.”

Given that about 11.7 million Mexican immigrants live in the United States, about 5.85 million are here illegally. Mexico is largest provider of immigrants, legal and illegal, to the United States. Its government is notorious for encouraging illegal immigration to the United States and has issued pamphlets showing the illegals how to evade American authorities.


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