July Jobs: Immigrants Take American Jobs At a Record Rate

Native-born jobs losses since Mr. Obama took office are the mirror image of immigrant job gains over that period. One to one displacement of native-born Americans by new immigrant workers is highly likely.

Non-farm employment rose by 163,000 in July, nearly three-times the (downwardly revised) 64,000 June figure—and the highest monthly gain since February. Nothing to write home about, yet enough for some mainstream media pundits to proclaim a “brighter tone” and evidence that the “long slog upward from the depths of recession” was firmly in place.

Rarely have such headlines misstated reality more.

The “other” employment survey, of households rather than business establishments, reported a 195,000 decline in employment for July—the largest monthly reduction since June 2011.

More importantly, our analysis of household job data by reveals that native-born Americans s were the only group to lose jobs last month. In July:

Total employment fell by 195,000, or by -0.14%

Native-born employment fell by 400,000, or by -0.33%

Foreign-born employment rose by 205,000, or by 0.90%


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