Israel’s Operation Wetback by Jared Taylor

This is the stance taken by the most successful nationalist parties in Europe. Whether in Austria or Denmark or Belgium or increasingly in France as well, Europeans who oppose Third-World immigration support the Israeli commitment to keeping Israel Jewish. They ask only that their own compatriots recognize that what is good for Israel is also good for Europe.

A model for us all.

In 1954, President Eisenhower gave orders to deport illegal Mexican immigrants. The Immigration and Naturalization Service went door to door in California, Texas, and New Mexico, and caught and deported 130,000. During the same period more than 1,000,000 illegals voluntary went back to Mexico.

In the last few weeks, Israeli authorities have shown similar resolve in deporting Africans, who have been sneaking into the country in ever-increasing numbers. With a boldness that every Western country should imitate, the Israelis have mandated expulsion for the explicit purpose of keeping their country Jewish—even for keeping it white. Once the government made up its mind that the Africans had to go, it went into action very quickly.

Anti-immigrant sentiment had been building for months, with the Israeli paper Haaretz running headlines such as “Unemployed African Refugees Turning Tel Aviv Beaches Into High Crime Spots.” Things came to a head in May, after police arrested four Eritreans and Sudanese who had raped a 19-year-old woman, and Interior Minister Eli Yishai said that African illegals should be rounded up and deported.

Later that month, several members of the Israeli Knesset addressed demonstrators in Tel Aviv who demanded that the Africans be deported. “We must expel the infiltrators,” said Danny Danon of the Likud party. “We should not be afraid to say the words ‘expulsion now’.” Another Likud Knesset member, Miri Regev, called the immigrants a “cancer in our body.” Some of the demonstrators rioted, beating Africans and attacking their shops.


Original source.

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