European conservatives’ self-destruction

The system is breaking down, and the only answer the Europeans have is the newly emerging authentic right represented by Le Pen, Wilders and others. Insofar as Europe has a future, it belongs to an authentic conservatism that defends national independence and cultural identity.

Nicolas Sarkozy’s demise is the logical consequence of the forced austerity he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel shoved down their peoples’ throats in order to maintain the euro, whatever the cost.

Why are conservatives always trying to save their enemies?

Leftists around the world are jubilant at the downfall of Sarko L’ Américain, as the Socialist Francois Hollande decisively defeated the “center-right” Nicolas Sarkozy for the presidency of the French Republic. The supposed conservatives have no one to blame but themselves. Sarkozy’s demise is the logical consequence of the forced austerity he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel shoved down their peoples’ throats in order to maintain the euro, whatever the cost.

At a time when mass Islamic immigration is transforming the Western character of the continent, self-government has been taken away and transferred to an increasingly autocratic European Union and unemployment is skyrocketing in southern Europe, supposed conservatives have taken the suicidal position of lining up with the very bankers, bureaucrats and financiers that created the crisis. The European people have taken to the streets, rising against the disaster their unelected left-wing masters in Brussels have imposed on them. Incredibly, the so-called right wing rides to the rescue of the Establishment, working to stamp down the populist uprising instead of leading it.

The results are predictable. The French center-right has now collapsed. The Dutch government has fallen, another casualty of the austerity debate that led to the defeat of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy. The popularity of the conservative government in Spain is plummeting, with left wingers and outright Communist Party members seizing control of regional parliaments. Even Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats are on the ropes.


Original source.

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