Boehner betrays immigration enforcement

Tom Tancredo targets speaker for holding up bill to require use of E-Verify. This important bill – which has 74 cosponsors – is being buried by Speaker Boehner and the House Republican leadership: they have ordered the Ways and Means chairman to sit on the bill indefinitely.

Speaker John Boehner

As if we needed a reminder that America has a unique two-party system – “the evil party and the stupid party” – Republican House Speaker Boehner has provided it yet again. He is blocking a floor vote on a bill that could create a million or more jobs – and at no cost to taxpayers.

That Boehner thinks this is smart politics tells you all you need to know about the bankruptcy of Beltway Republican strategic thinking.

The Legal Workforce Act, H.R. 2885, would require all employers to use the federal E-Verify program to identify fake or stolen Social Security Numbers used by illegal workers. Participation by employers would be phased in over a two-year period. The program is largely self-enforcing because the list of participating companies is posted on the Homeland Security Department website and updated quarterly.

Over 300,000 employers already participate in this Social Security Number verification system at over 1 million worksites. The program has an error rate of less than 1 percent. Currently, the E-Verify program is required for most companies doing business with the federal government, and it is required of all employers in a half dozen states. In Colorado, companies doing business with state agencies have been using the program since 2006.


Original source.

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