Shikha Dalmia Gives Reason's Game Away: Leftism Before Libertarianism!

The director of Latinas Unidas de Alabama-no doubt a group primarily focused on the corporate tax rate-squealed delightedly, “I never thought I’d be hanging out with the FBI and Department of Justice so much, but they’re on our side.”

Mass immigration has become the decisive issue that distinguishes Right from Left. Progressive insiders have clearly decided that workers’ rights, wage levels, women’s liberation, the environment, unemployment, and all their other putative causes must be sacrificed to the paramount cause: the dispossession of the historic American nation. That’s why the 99 Percent Declaration, supposedly the foundation document of the “Occupy” movement, calls in its Point 11 for

“Immediate passage of the Dream Act and comprehensive immigration and border security reform including offering visas, lawful permanent resident status and citizenship to the world’s brightest People to stay and work in our industries and schools after they obtain their education and training in the United States”. [ links added].

-all policies that, paradoxically, would enrich the “one percent” and immiserate the “99 Percent” that the movement purports to represent.


Meanwhile, back in the real world, Alabama is being sued by the government of Mexico and ten other Latin American countries, who recognize that enforcing America’s immigration laws could jeopardize their efforts to dump their lumpenproletariat on the U.S. taxpayer.

And of course the “American“ federal government is also acting predictably. Eric “My People“ Holder, presumably another of Reason’s free market heroes, found time from shipping weapons to Mexican drug cartels to kill Border Patrol Agents to sue the state of Alabama for daring to enforce the law.


Original source.

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