Another Hotel Cancels Event Critical of Islam

Steve Eckley, senior vice president of hotels for Amerimar Enterprises in Denve said he “wasn’t exactly sure what the content of the program was,” but he explained that he canceled it because of the threat of physical harm to people at the hotel.

For the second time in less than a week, a major U.S. hotel has canceled an agreement to host an event on radical Islam’s threat to America’s freedoms, due to threatening messages to management.

The Preserving Freedom Conference, scheduled for Nov. 11 at the top-rated Hutton Hotel in Nashville, Tenn., features Robert Spencer, author and director of Jihad Watch, and Pamela Geller, a WND columnist, editor of the blog Atlas Shrugs and author of the book ”Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.” WND is a co-sponsor of the conference.

Steve Eckley, senior vice president of hotels for Amerimar Enterprises in Denver – the Hutton Hotel’s managing corporation – told WND it was his decision to cancel the event.


Original source.

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