Saving the European culture by Archbishop Jozef Michalik

“This responsibility for the harm done to our neighbour, for what is going on in our environment, is indispensable. We cannot be indifferent and afraid of being good.” Archbishop Jozef Michalik

Archbishop Jozef Michalik

Planned process to dechristianize whole societies.

After having visited the Soviet Union the Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci was fascinated by Marxism, saying that the state possessed full power there, and that’s why it succeeded to introduce the Marxist ideology and destroy churches. Since such a form of destruction of Christianity is impossible to be realised in democratic countries. This Italian atheist proposed a new conception of the state and new way to “form” society. “The proletariat, to which Marx assigned an ‘honourable’ role of the avant-garde of revolution, let the communists down” he claimed. … ‘Working people of cities and villages’ turned out to be ‘thankless’ and did not love communism sincerely. This Christianity that ‘dominated’ the European civilisation became this ‘leaven of demoralization’ of the working class. In order to make ‘ideas of socialism’ win Christianity must be first uprooted from the soul of ‘worker’. The working class – Gramsci tried to convince – must have patience, since the way to victory leads through infecting the cultures of particular nations with the ‘spirit’ of socialism instead of using violence that is ineffective in the long-term. This slow revolutionary process is to lead to the emancipation of ‘people’s masses’, i.e., to permanent change of the mentality of society so that it may consciously, without any pressure, reject the ‘old’ moral norms, manners, aesthetic norms; reject the traditional values and identify itself with the new socialist norms, recognising them as its own. The process of the mental transformation of society should last quite long because the modern democratic states possess complicated defence structures resembling the ‘system of entrenchment and fortification’ in the ‘positional warfare’.


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