Legendary game show host Chuck Woolery is all over this with a helpful PSA that should be titled: “The More Lying Hypocritical Celebrities Know.”
Chuck Woolery
To me this “raise my taxes!” nonsense coming from wealthy hypocrites is exactly like this Global Warming nonsense coming from wealthy hypocrites. How’s this for a compromise: when you start living like the planet’s in peril only then will I stop laughing in your lying hypocritical face every time you open your lying hypocritical mouth.
To have gazillionaires wring their lying hypocritical hands over the plight of Mother Earth from air conditioned mansions as they ply their trade in an entertainment industry that guzzles more energy than Halliburton and Walmart combined, epitomizes a lack of self-awareness so pathetic it should qualify you as being mentally ill.
No one is stopping Matt Damon or Alec Baldwin or any one of these “tax the rich” Leftists from paying more in taxes. The only thing stopping them is their own “do as I say not as I do” hypocrisy. They refuse to lead by example and my guess is that their hypocrisy goes even deeper than this. Anyone want to bet dollars to donuts you’ll see – wait for it, wait for it – WRITE-OFFS on Matt Damon’s tax returns?
I didn’t think so.