Andrew Breitbart on 'Big Education' and the Right's Grasp of New Media

“Big Education is probably going to be the most controversial one; teachers, professors, teachers unions. The ones who feel obligated to hit our children over the head with indoctrination are now going to be held accountable for the first time ever by new media.” ~ Andrew Breitbart


Publisher Andrew Breitbart is no stranger to controversy. Even when there isn’t a controversy, the media tend to keep him in their sights. So with the release of his new book, “Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World,” the media made sure to polish up their wrecking balls and sharpen their fangs.

Most public figures try to avoid an attack. Breitbart welcomes it. He sat down for a Q&A about his new book, his newest controversial website to be launched, and how to hold onto the popular uprising that started with the Tea Party led by new media.

Q: I want to get right into the book and what you’re up to. But before this, I saw an interview that dropped my jaw with you and Martin Bashir from MSNBC.

A: A person like me dreams of having the opportunity to expose to the world precisely what my book is about. It’s a complicated thesis on how media is everything and how the left has been able to maintain and control the cultural narrative, and that includes the news, Hollywood, and academia. It would be easier for me to say, “Hi I’m from Al-Qaeda, and I want to tell you why I’m at war with western civilization.” I guarantee that Mohammed Atta or Osama bin Laden would be treated in nicer tones than what Martin Bashir offered me. But it served my ends; it went beyond what a book could illustrate.

Q: With the success of your news aggregate service (, Big Hollywood, Big Government, and Big Educa — wait, are you doing Big Education next?

A: Yeah, Big Education is probably going to be the most controversial one; teachers, professors, teachers unions. The ones who feel obligated to hit our children over the head with indoctrination are now going to be held accountable for the first time ever by new media. It allows the exposure of the algebra teacher who rails against Sarah Palin for a half hour; let’s do a video expose.


Original Source.

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