World Revolution: Plot Against Civilization – Nesta Webster

This insightful and comprehensive study of European Revolutionary movements identifies common threads between the philosophies of world-conquest promoted by the ‘Illuminati’, and the Socialist, Anarchist, Nihilist, and Trade-Union movements of the 19th century. Webster’s special focus is on Revolutionary movements in France, Germany, and Russia. Her commentaries on major social philosophers and activists including Babeuf, Saint-Simon, Louis Blanc, Marx, Proudhon, Bakunin, and Sorel, are well-researched and profound.

In reply to numerous enquiries as to whether the statements I made in The French Revolution have since been disproved, I take this opportunity to say that, as far as I am aware, no one has attempted to bring forward any contrary evidence. The Socialist press was completely silent, whilst hostile reviewers in the general press contented themselves with saying the work was “biassed,” but without quoting chapter and verse in support of this assertion. My book was not intended to be the last word on the FrenFch Revolution, but the first attempt, in English, to tell the truth, and had my view on any essential point been shown to be erroneous, I should have been perfectly ready to readjust it in further editions. No such honest challenge was made, however; my opponents preferring the method of creating prejudice against my work by attributing to me views I never expressed. Thus, at the moment of this book going to press, it has been brought to my notice that I am represented as having attacked British Freemasonry. This can only have been said in malice, as I have always clearly differentiated between British and Continental masonry, showing the former to be an honourable association not only hostile to subversive doctrines but a strong supporter of law, order, and religion. (See The French Revolution, pp. 20 and 492.) I am in fact indebted to certain distinguished British masons for valuable help and advice in my work, which I here gratefully acknowledge.


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