The Wave of ‘Greater Idaho’ Gains Significant Momentum as Eastern Oregon Votes to Join The Red State

Originating in 2020, the “Greater Idaho” campaign was born out of a growing aspiration among the residents of rural eastern Oregon. They yearned to secede from the progressive western part of the state, in search of more closely aligned conservative principles, values and governance that they found in their neighbor, Idaho.

Tuesday marked another victory for the American spirit when Wallowa County turned into the 12th county in Oregon to favorably join the “Greater Idaho” initiative.

The special electio results, which echoed the voice of the county’s people, validated the sentiments that have been brewing over the past couple of years.

The election, which took place in May, initially saw the Greater Idaho movement leading by a threadbare margin of just 21 votes. However, as the days passed and the dust settled, the lead was reduced to a mere seven votes, just about escaping the need for a state-mandated recount.


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