Elon Musk on Twitter Files: ‘Every’ Big Tech Company Is ‘Engaged in Heavy Censorship’

MRC President Brent Bozell said, “We now know with complete certainty that our federal government cannot be trusted to defend our freedom of speech. Thank you, @elonmusk.”

While airing out Twitter’s dirty anti-free-speech laundry, new platform CEO Elon Musk exposed Big Tech for its routine collusion with the federal government as it attempts to censor Americans.

A Twitter Files thread released by journalist Matt Taibbi on Christmas Eve revealed the wide scope of the government’s role in censoring content online. But Musk pointed out that the company he bought was not the only bad actor involved.

“Most people don’t appreciate the significance of the point Matt was making,” Musk wrote in a tweet Tuesday. “*Every* social media company is engaged in heavy censorship, with significant involvement of and, at times, explicit direction of the government.”


Complete text linked here.

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