Fauci, Jen Psaki, and top Biden officials to be deposed in free speech case

The lawsuit alleged that the collusion amounted to an infringement upon the First Amendment rights of everyday people. It also alleged Action in Excess of Statutory Authority Administrative Procedure Act Violations by Health and Human Services officials and Administrative Procedure Act violations by Department of Homeland Security officials.

A court approved a request Friday to depose Dr. Anthony Fauci, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, and a bevy of other Biden administration officials in a free speech case.

The attorneys general for Missouri and Louisiana have accused the Biden administration of “colluding to suppress freedom of speech” with major tech companies and first filed in May. The duo has specifically alleged Big Tech and the Biden administration worked to suppress speech about COVID-19, election integrity, and other matters unfairly.

“After finding documentation of a collusive relationship between the Biden Administration and social media companies to censor free speech, we immediately filed a motion to get these officials under oath,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said. “It is high time we shine a light on this censorship enterprise.”


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