Biden’s border policy is creating “the largest child smuggling epidemic in human history,” warns former White House advisor

“These astronomical numbers defy any historical comparison,” said Miller. “So overwhelmingly are the prior records exceeded that there is no reference point.” He added, “Biden, with the unflinching aid of 50 Senate Democrats, is running the largest child smuggling operation our world has ever seen.” Miller says Biden’s policies have “filled the ranks of MS-13” and “created a monstrous industry of vast global reach.”

A humanitarian crisis continues at the southern US border. A recent report from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealed that 257,110 migrant CHILDREN have crossed into the United States since Biden took office. Neither political party has come up with a viable long-term solution to address the multiple crises at the border, and children’s lives hang in the balance. Former White House advisor, Stephen Miller, called out Biden’s border policy for creating “the largest child smuggling epidemic in human history.”

Miller lambasted the Biden administration and the Democrat Party for enriching “virtually every major child smuggler in the hemisphere and far beyond.” Miller helped craft strong border security policies under the Trump administration, but many of these policies are being undone.


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