‘Red-Handed’: NBA’s Highest Paid Star LeBron James Made a Fortune Off of Cozying Up to Communist China

LeBron James’ recently signed $97 million deal makes him the highest-paid player in the history of the NBA, but a considerable portion of that wealth is contingent on the league’s lucrative financial dealings with slave-labor-loving communist China.

In addition to his record-breaking earnings, LeBron has made a name for himself over the years for his outspoken political activism. However, the Laker star’s activism for social justice causes is noticeably muted when speaking up would adversely affect his financial interests with communist China, according to Peter Schweizer’s book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

As explained in Red-Handed, the NBA has long coveted expanding its business ventures in communist China.

In 2002, the 7’6 foot Yao Ming brought the attention of the world’s most populous nation to a sport that was looking to expand. The arrival of Yao “The Great Wall” Ming gave the NBA the ability it had sought for so long — to sell professional basketball to Red China. Having long since shunned any concerns about human rights, slave labor, political imprisonment, or freedom of the press, the NBA and its players signed long-term business deals in China worth billions of dollars.

Over the years, these business ties made the NBA beholden to communist China.


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