Portland Police Stand Down As Rioters Cause Over $500K In Damages

By the time the rioters finally dispersed at about 11 p.m., they’d wreaked havoc on at least 35 separate locations, including retail stores, banks, government buildings, and coffee shops, the PPB said. No arrests were made.

Recent law changes forced Portland police to stand by and watch as a mob of approximately 100 rioters tore through the downtown area causing over $500,000 in damages last week.

The night of Oct. 12, the violent anarchists set dumpsters ablaze, blocked off roadways, smashed out storefront windows, and spray painted antifa and anti-police messages such as “KILL COPS” and “RIOTS WORK” throughout the downtown corridor, photos shared by the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) showed.

“Officers were called to respond citywide, and all but the highest priority life safety 911 calls were left to hold so officers could be dispatched,” the PPB said in a press release.


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