The Morning Briefing: Democrats Are Looking More Commie Every Day

Democrats Keep Getting Their Commie On

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. More lemon, please.

Weird week so far here in Turkbidenstan, no?

For a good portion of my life, I was usually the craziest one in any given situation. I never hung out in any asylums or anything, but when around everyday folk it was easy to red-flag me as the one who was a little more touched than the rest of the crowd. Even when perusing the news of the day, I would feel that I was out of sync with the rest of the world, but that was on me.

Now, it’s on the world.

OK, maybe everyone hasn’t lost it, but a lot of people have. I can’t put it all on the people on the other side of the political aisle because we have a few crazies roaming around in our backyard too. But, yeesh, the Democrats have really gone Looney Tunes.


Complete text linked here.

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