Colby Covington, UFC star, rips LeBron James: ‘All he cares about is lining his own pockets’

“I wasn’t going to let him dupe the people and make the people think he’s a social justice warrior and he’s on this pedestal,” Mr. Covington said. “No, LeBron James is not on a pedestal. That guy is a piece of crap. He’s a piece of garbage. He uses that school that he’s funding as a tax write off and then he wants to claim that he’s some good guy. No, he’s not a good guy, man. All he cares about is lining his own pockets and bowing down to China.”

Former UFC champion Colby Covington called Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James a spineless “piece of crap” who kowtows to Communist China and profits from its slave labor.

In an appearance on Steve Bannon’s podcast “War Room Pandemic,” Mr. Covington renewed his attacks on “woke athletes” like Mr. James as hypocrites who do not belong on a pedestal.

He claims to be about social justice but he won’t say ‘Free Hong Kong.’ He won’t talk about the Uyghurs that are locked up in concentration camps in China,” Mr. Covington said. “He won’t talk about all the women that he’s profiting off of in his Chinese sweatshops that are making all his shoes — for dollars — that he’s coming over to America and selling them for hundreds and profiting millions off of here in America.”


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