Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Law Equipping Floridians to Fight Big Tech Censorship

According to a summary provided by his office, all Floridians “treated unfairly” by Big Tech platforms “will have the right to sue companies that violate this law — and win monetary damages.”

Speaking at Florida International University in Miami on Monday, DeSantis detailed action Florida is taking to fight against Big Tech via SB 7072.

“Really Florida is a trailblazer, yet again, on another issue that’s really important to not just millions of Floridians but really tens of millions of Americans,” DeSantis said Monday.

“When the Founding Fathers established our country and crafted the Constitution, they were very concerned with threats to liberty,” he continued, highlighting their concerns over government power and concentrations of power, which would “lead to people’s liberties being curtailed.”

“We are now though in a situation where we have things that, I think, were probably unforeseen by the Founding Fathers,” the governor continued. While the founders established the First Amendment as a shield against government overreach, “we now have a situation in which some of these massive, massive companies in Silicon Valley are exerting a power over our population that really has no precedent in American history,” he explained.


Complete text linked here.

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