Monthly Archives: May 2024

Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

“Illegal aliens and noncitizens should not vote in any elections,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “That Congress allows the votes of citizens to be legally stolen by illegal aliens in our nation’s capital is inexcusable.”

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 13-pages of records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the District of Columbia, explaining to illegal aliens and other noncitizens how they can register to vote in local elections.

 The records came in response to an April 12, 2024, FOIA request for: 

  1. Materials presented and/or provided at the training;
  2. Communications advertising/promoting the training; and
  3. Materials provided to participants/attendees after the training.

 On April 10, 2024, DC held a training event titled ”Non-Citizen Voting Education Virtual Training” in which DC announced noncitizen voting would begin in 2024.


Complete text linked here.

Victor Davis Hanson: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s governorship of California (Video)

The conversation revolved around various topics, including the Biden administration’s Iran policy, abortion rights, and the commercialization of college sports. Speakers critically analyzed the administration’s handling of the Iran crisis and expressed frustration at the lack of retaliation. They also discussed the increasing number of abortions in the US and the importance of reproductive rights. Additionally, they questioned the motives of a tech tycoon’s altruistic acts and explored the breakdown of the family and its consequences for society. Finally, they discussed the commercialization of college sports and the potential for college athletes to form a union.

Too Big to Win: How the Neocons Snatched Defeat from the Jaws of Victory (Video)

Erik Prince explains how the Neocon ideology and the military-industrial complex repeatedly thwarted efforts to implement an effective military strategy in Afghanistan. Instead of allowing a small number of NATO Special Forces soldiers to help the Afghan military keep the Taliban in check, the Pentagon insisted on a conventional military presence despite abundant evidence that their strategy was nothing more than an eye-wateringly expensive boondoggle.

Semi-pro footballers ran £260m cocaine gang out of warehouses (Video)

Police Con Perry, from Specialist Crime North, said: “The operation we’ve dismantled here is not some minor undertaking, involving a group of chancers – this is a highly organised criminal group who were supplying drugs on an industrial scale throughout the UK.”

A gang of semi-pro footballers ran an operation planning to supply £260 million of cocaine out of warehouses, police said.

The group were sentenced to more than 104 years at Isleworth Crown Court on Friday after previously pleading guilty to conspiracy to supply cocaine and ketamine.

Detectives found that between April 10 and Oct 20 2022 the group had conspired to supply in excess of 2.7 tonnes of high-grade cocaine with an estimated street value of more than £260 million.

Officers stopped Luke Skeete, 36, in October 2022 as he drove a small panel van and discovered 8kg of cocaine in the vehicle. His arrest brought down a gang of criminals like “house of cards”, police said.


Complete text and video linked here.

Trump Says We Are Being INVADED, Says Local Police Will Conduct Mass Deportations (Video)

Timcast IRL

Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID’s Origin (Video)

Professor Jeffrey Sachs is the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He is the author of many best selling books, including The End of Poverty and The Ages of Globalization. Here he is with probably the smartest and most accurate assessment of the Ukraine war, and American foreign policy more broadly, ever caught on tape.

The Federalist #24 by Alexander Hamilton Audio Recording

Federalist No. 24 is an essay by Alexander Hamilton, the twenty-fourth of The Federalist Papers. It was published on December 19, 1787 under the pseudonym Publius, the name under which all The Federalist papers were published. It is titled “The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered”.

Quick Pix: Eddie Albert w/Video

Edward Albert Heimberger was an American actor and humanitarian. He was twice nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor; the first nomination came in 1954 for his performance in Roman Holiday, and the second in 1973 for The Heartbreak Kid.

Trump Says He Will STOP WW3, Roasts Biden For FAILING The American People (Video)

Timcast IRL

Woke People Are Born TRAITORS: Genetically Defective – Edward Dutton | heretics. 58 (Video)

Do woke people have mutated genes?