Atheistic Divine Language by Chris Langan

Yes, that’s an oxymoron if ever there was one. But when you’re an atheist wrestling with theology without leg on which to stand, it’s the only game in town.

Question: “Would you please elaborate on the Human Singularity?”

Answer: It’s CTMU 101.

The Transhumanist “elite” claim that we are approaching a “Tech Singularity” in which man will merge with machine on the most basic level of existence, which for various reasons would destroy human identity as we know and live it. In contrast, the CTMU says that what we are actually approaching, notwithstanding the interference of corporate-governmental technocratic social engineers, is a “Human Singularity” preserving and refining human identity and bringing us closer to the identity of reality itself, aka God.


Complete text linked here.

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