Monthly Archives: October 2023

Thomas Sowell is Ridiculously Wrong About IQ (Video)

The Jolly Heretic

BARRIO AZTECA: Cartel Wars on the Texas Border (Video)

In the 1980s a small group of prisoners from El Paso formed a gang known as the Barrio Azteca. Here we explore how this tiny prison gang transformed into an infamous transnational militia for drug traffickers and used their strength in two border cities to go up against the Sinaloa Cartel.

Ethnic Diversity WEAKENS Society. It’s NOT a Strength, Research Shows. (NCF Immigration Conference) – Video

We are constantly told that “Diversity is our greatest strength”. But where is the evidence? There is none. It’s a faith-based mantra. In fact, the scientific, sociological & economic research shows that, far from being a strength, increased ethnic diversity divides societies and weakens social cohesion, trust, civic engagement and levels of happiness (amongst many other negatives). When combined with mass immigration & the failed policy of multiculturalism it leads to super diversity, a phenomenon we now see in our major cities. Super diversity is our greatest dilemma, and one of our greatest weaknesses.

Biden Admin Orders Banks Not To Reject Illegal Immigrants’ Loan Applications

The Biden administration has warned U.S. banks and other financial institutions that they can’t reject illegal immigrants’ credit applications based solely or predominantly on their immigration status.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said in a recent statement that rejecting illegal immigrants for credit cards and various types of loans just because they are noncitizens is unlawful.

The two agencies stated that they were issuing the warning “because consumers have reported being rejected for credit cards as well as for auto, student, personal and equipment loans because of their immigration status, even when they have strong credit histories and ties to the United States and are otherwise qualified to receive the loans.”

Specifically, the agencies cited the provisions of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which protects credit applicants from discrimination based on such characteristics as race, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin.


Complete text linked here.

‘France Will Become Islamic Country’: Why This Muslim Cleric’s Startling Prediction Is Going Viral? (Video)

Amid rising tensions in France, the six nights of violence and arson have exposed long-running racial tensions within French society. Following the rising tension in the region, a video of a Muslim cleric Sheikh Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dari is going viral on social media. In a video dated March 12, 2019, the Al-Aqsa cleric said that “in 2050, Muslims will outnumber French in France”.

New Jersey School District Socially Transitioning Students Behind Parents’ Backs (Video)

Kingsway Regional School District in Kingsway, New Jersey, has adopted a “tiered” policy for classifying students who want to transition without their parent’s knowledge.

January 6th | Full Measure (Video)

We begin with a look into the role of key instigators and police in the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol protests. Authorities haven’t provided answers about the role of undercover agents and informants in the crowd that day. A Rasmussen Reports survey found 65% of likely voters say they think undercover government agents likely helped provoke the riots. We review keys moments on video with law enforcement experts who ask, why did police inexplicably stand by and allow some demonstrators to drive the crowd to violence? Today, the results of our yearlong investigation.

Stalin’s Quest for Ape-Men Super-Soldiers (Video)

In the 1920s, Stalin wanted to rebuild the Red Army by crossing humans with apes, creating humanzee super-soldiers. So he tasked a Soviet biologist called Ilya Ivanov to breed humans and chimps together. This is the story of what happened.

Professor David Coleman: Becoming A Minority? (Video)

A talk on the subject of demographic trends in both Britain and globally by Professor David Coleman, Emeritus, St John’s College, Oxford. Coleman is also an advisor to Migration Watch and a member of the Galton Institute. Professor Coleman caused some controversy in 2013 when he put the fateful date that the British people would slide into minority status as 2066 and was viciously attacked by his peers for doing so. He informed our attendees that he is revisiting this earlier model due to the much higher levels of immigration and lower birth rates since.

Prince Edward Examines The 900 Year History Of Windsor Castle | Crown & Country | Real Royalty (Video)

00:03 – Edward Windsor takes us home to Windsor Castle! A Royal Fortress and family home for more than 900 years. He provides a unique perspective on the stories, legends, and characters not just of the Castle, but also the town, the Great Park and the surrounding countryside.