Monthly Archives: October 2023

On the Defense of Culture – Yukio Mishima (Audiobook)

Translated by Masaki, Narrated by an AI trained on the voice of Orson Welles

Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart (Turn Around)

Official Video

Karl Marx’s Anti-Semitism (Video)

Karl Marx was a racist anti-Semite. This video uses Marx’s own words to explain to you why.

The Biggest Police Massacre In British History | Murder Maps | Absolute Crime (Video)

In December 1910, the murder of three City of London Police officers and the wounding of two others was, and continues to be, one of the largest multiple murders of police officers on duty carried out in Great Britain. The three officers – Sergeants Bentley and Tucker and Constable Choat – were shot dead whilst trying to prevent a burglary at a jewelers in Houndsditch on the evening of the 16th of December and this incident and the events surrounding it formed the precursor to the famous Siege of Sidney Street in January 1911.

Incredible as it may seem, there are more Muslims in Britain than there are in Lebanon (Video)

Until a few years ago, the majority of people in Lebanon were Christians. Then Muslims began arriving in large numbers. Until recently, the majority of people in Britain were also Christians, but that is no longer the case.

France Now Ready To STUN Pro-EU Elite (Video)

Once toxic, Marine Le Pen is closer to goal of being Macron’s heir”

This Jewish Family Owns America (Video)

Goldman Sachs

Series: The Twilight Zone – Season 4

Stars: Rod Sterling. A series of unrelated stories containing drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and/or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist.

Click here to watch The Twilight Zone – Season 4.

The real meanings of dinosaur names (Video)

In this video, let’s explore the stories behind the names of the world’s favourite dinosaurs. Which dinos are the “roof lizard”, “egg thief”, “chicken mimic” and “arm lizard”? Watch to find out!

Ep. 32 | George Floyd story was a lie. Vince Everett Ellison (Video)

You’ll be shocked to learn this, but it turns out the whole George Floyd story was a lie. Tucker Carlson