Devon Archer Tells Tucker About “Icarus Moment” When Biden Influence Peddling Went Too Far (Video)

Tucker Carlson dropped the second segment of his interview with Devon Archer on Friday, where the former Hunter Biden business partner revealed new details about the Biden influence peddling operation.

To be clear, most of the hour-long interview is Tucker allowing Archer to provide well-rehearsed answers to softball questions – as though it’s a PR campaign designed to present Archer as an innocent entrepreneur who did what anyone would do in his shoes, while throwing Hunter under the bus for influence peddling and providing cover for President Joe Biden – who Archer last week told Congressional investigators wasn’t directly involved in Hunter’s dealings.

But there were some interesting tidbits:

Did you ever, were you aware, do you have knowledge that Hunter spoke to his dad about Burisma?” asked Carlson.

“Do I have knowledge? Archer replied, carefully.

“Yes. Do you have know that spoke to his dad about Burisma? Did you ever see them talk about it? Hear them talk about it?” Carlson asked.

“No, I don’t have knowledge of that, though I assume it.


Complete text and video linked here.

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