Left-Wing Violence Chic by Victor Davis Hanson

For the radical Left, ideology exempts its political violence. The result for everyone else is an open-season and the end of deterrence—and frightening days ahead.

A transgendered Tennessee mass shooter this week executed three adults and three nine-year-old children at a Nashville private Christian school.

Supposedly she left behind her a manifesto justifying her mass murdering. As of this writing, law enforcement officials have declined to make the document public.

Yet in about a nano-second after the news was disclosed, the left-wing activist machine kicked in, led by politicians, entertainers, and the media.

Three predictable themes surfaced.

The first was led by none other than Joe Biden. He lectured that guns were the cause of the mass deaths, not the free will of a psychopathic killer.

Few noted that the shooter illegally purchased firearms by hiding her documented record of emotional disorders.


Complete text linked here.

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