Disney investors at risk for one big reason and the company doesn’t want to admit it

Company needs to clarify risk Disney takes by partnering with communist China

Disney may be in the business of storytelling, but it’s time for the company to get straight with its shareholders — at least when it comes to Disney’s entanglements with China.  

On Monday, April 3, Disney will hold its shareholder meeting — an annual event where the company invites shareholders to hear from Disney’s leadership and make recommendations of their own. At the meeting, shareholders will vote on whether the company should issue a “China Risk Report,” — the formal name for a document that would shine light on the companies’ operations in and dependence on communist China.  

The proposal should be a no-brainer. Disney’s entanglement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is nearly unrivaled. Disney depends on the CCP for access to the multi-billion dollar Chinese movie and streaming market, to manufacture Disney products and for permission to run its Hong Kong and Shanghai resorts. The CCP dictates the terms on which American companies are allowed to operate there. And dictate it does.  


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