Woke colleges are literally driving students mad

Instead of being taught to overcome traumatic experiences, negative thoughts and emotional instability, students are encouraged to dwell on them and even to base their identities on them.

Whom the gods would destroy, the old saying goes, they first drive mad.

Which means they must hate elite educational institutions a lot

Take what happened at Stanford Law School last week.

Judge Kyle Duncan of the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit went to speak there at the invitation of its Federalist Society chapter. He was to talk about the Fifth Circuit, the Supreme Court and constitutional law.

Duncan is a conservative, and Stanford Law’s “progressive” students didn’t want to hear what he had to say. 

They could have avoided that by simply skipping the talk, but they didn’t want anyone to hear what he had to say.

When Duncan showed up, they literally shouted him down


Complete text linked here.

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