San Francisco to consider $5M reparations check for black citizens

And recommends eliminating personal debt and tax burdens and doling out guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years to an undetermined number of black citizens in addition to the $5M check.

San Francisco politicians will meet Tuesday to publicly consider a reparations package that would pay $5 million lump-sum payments to its eligible black residents.

The city’s Board of Supervisors will weigh the draft plan, which recommends eliminating personal debt and tax burdens and doling out guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years to an undetermined number of black citizens in addition to the hefty check.

Black families could also buy homes in the expensive city for just $1 under the plan aimed at amending centuries of enslavement and systemic racism that have disadvantaged black citizens in educational, economic and other sectors of American life.

“It is not a matter of whether or not there is a case for reparations for Black people here in San Francisco. It is a matter of what reparations will and should look like yet,” Supervisor Shamann Walton, who is Black, said at the hearing’s opening, “and still we have to remind everyone why this is so important.


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