What The Media Did To America Is Far Worse Than The Pandemic Ever Was

There is no convincing me that any single Covid-related death or infection resulted in legitimate sorrow at CNN, MSNBC or The New York Times.

What’s great about Steve Krakauer’s new book dissecting the media is that it comes with a lot of thoughtful commentary from prominent journalists. What’s bad about it is that, like Anne Frank, the author still somehow believes the worst people are truly good at heart. If not for that, the book might be perfect!

In “Uncovered: How the Media Got Cozy with Power, Abandoned Its Principles, and Lost the People,” Krakauer maintains that the corruption of the national press is mostly a matter of groupthink, geographic location (Washington and New York), and ego.

I don’t think so. Nothing exposed the media — The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and on and on — for the deceitful, manipulative group of people it is than the pandemic. A grave and urgent emergency that should have been the most pressing time since 9/11 for national unity was instead exploited by the media for the purpose of winning an election. The cost: Half the country was trained to accuse the other of willfully spreading death.


Complete text linked here.

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