New York Democrats in chaos with progressive left calling state party nearly as undemocratic as ‘North Korea’

‘The Democratic Party has to become democratic. Right now, it vies with North Korea in their degree of democracy,’ a progressive activist said

Progressive New York Democrats have had enough of party leadership and are demanding the removal of the party chief and reforms to the entire apparatus after a disastrous 2022 midterm cycle for the state.

Four U.S. House seats in New York flipped from Democratic control in the 2022 midterms, greatly contributing to Republicans retaking the majority. But progressive activists see the problems as far deeper than one election.

“First of all, they have to run the party democratically,” George Albro, co-chair of Brooklyn Progressive Action Network, said in an interview with Fox News Digital. “The Democratic Party has to become democratic. Right now, it vies with North Korea in their degree of democracy.”

Much of the ire is directed at state party Chairman Jay Jacobs, who has faced numerous calls to step down as party leader since November. 


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