Doctors are now America’s Public Enemy Number One

Doctors are supposed to be the trusted voice that tells patients whether or not it’s a good idea — from the individual perspective — to do as the pharmaceuticals sell; to listen as the federal health bureaucrats advise; to pay heed to the politicians. But for three years and running, they’ve turned into the complicit employees of Big Government and Big Pharma.

Americans were told the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters would stop the spread of the virus. They didn’t. They don’t. They do, however, cause myocarditis and strokes and blood clots and irregular menstrual cycles and more. Yet the CDC just came out and added COVID shots to the list of recommended vaccines for kids as young as six months — alongside the usual measles, mumps and rubella and polio shots babies get and schools require. Why?

Because doctors have become derelict in their primary duty of “do no harm.” 

Because doctors have cowed to Big Pharma, turned into frightened sheep in the face of Anthony Fauci and failed to speak up for truthful science out of fear of losing jobs, grant monies and reputations.


Complete text linked here.

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