The Left’s Anti-Nationalism Is the Ideology of Western Suicide (Video)

Biden and Obama have continued progressives’ endless apology tour for America.

If there is one idea that unites the American Left and motivates its public policy positions it is anti-nationalism. Anti-nationalism pervades the Left’s domestic and foreign policy preferences. This is one reason why the Left so vigorously opposed President Trump’s “America First” agenda, but the Left’s antipathy to nationalism precedes Trump and what some call “Trumpism.” In fact, the Left has used Trump in an effort to delegitimize nationalism, and it appears to be working.

President Barack Obama wore his anti-nationalism on his sleeve. He derided the notion of “American exceptionalism.” He went on an apology tour to the Middle East, professing contrition for America’s past and present sins. Shortly before he left office, Obama warned against the rise of “a crude sort of nationalism” that was taking root in the United States. After his presidency, he repeatedly spoke out against nationalism.

And the Biden administration in this respect is simply the third Obama administration — the same elites are in charge using the same anti-nationalist rhetoric and pushing the same anti-nationalist policies. But the Left’s attitude toward nationalism long preceded Obama and Biden.


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