Ivy-Covered Fascism

The top ten fascist universities in America.

#1: Georgetown University
#2: University of Washington
#3: University of Illinois-Chicago
#4: Syracuse University
#5: University of Central Florida
#6: University of Southern California
#7: Vanderbilt University
#8: University of California-Los Angeles
#9: Duke University
#10: University of New Mexico


In the last few decades since the conservative world began to sound the alarm about the disappearance of academic freedom and free speech on college campuses, the situation has grown increasingly dire.  The already unforgiving one-party political climate on college and university campuses has grown exponentially worse. The few professors who have dared to challenge the precepts of Critical Race Theory or other unquestionable tenets of the leftist narrative have found themselves facing immediate disciplinary action and calls for their termination from the cancel culture mob.


Complete text linked here.

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