Poland begins work on 130-mile fence along its border amid fears Russia is planning to orchestrate an influx of migrants from Africa and the Middle East

Poland has begun working on a 130-mile fence amid concerns Russia is planning to amass migrants. Kaliningrad airport is accepting flights from the Middle East and North Africa in echoes of 2021’s crisis. The West believes last year’s influx was orchestrated by Minsk to destabilise the region, which Belarus denied. Razor-wire fence will be 8ft high and will also feature an electronic monitoring system and cameras.

The Polish government today announced the construction of a 130-mile razor-wire fence along the border with Russia’s exclave of Kaliningrad to prevent illegal crossings.

Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced the decision amid concerns in Warsaw that Russia plans to orchestrate an influx of migrants.

‘The airport in Kaliningrad is now accepting flights from the Middle East and North Africa. I decided to take action to enhance the security of the Polish border,’ Blaszczak told reporters.

‘Already today work will begin… on a temporary barrier’ along the 130-mile border, he added.


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