Beat the border crisis at the ballot box!

Chuck Norris on Dems: Voters need to ’roundhouse kick them out the door!’

Most Americans don’t know the truth. The government keeps it from them. The crisis at the U.S. southern border couldn’t be any worse. The statistics are in, and you’re going to be shocked and sickened. Sitting down?

The Department of Homeland Security released numbers two Fridays back hoping no one would notice, but many of us patriots did.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) tried to cloak the real border evidence behind the benign title, “CBP Releases September 2022 Monthly Operational Update.” But look what the contents revealed!

  • The number of illegal aliens encountered nationwide in September 2022 alone was 182,704, a 15% increase over the prior month. Fiscal year 2022 (FY 22) migrant encounters totaled so far: 2,378,944, the highest year ever recorded, including 6,000 got-aways.
  • There have also been 98 arrests of people on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist in FY 22, which quadrupled the 26 arrests in five previous years combined (FY 17-21).


Complete text linked here.

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