Monthly Archives: August 2022

How Caribbeans at the Notting Hill carnival are allowed to display offensive racial stereotypes (Video)

A display of lights at the Blackpool Illuminations was withdrawn earlier this year because it featured images of native Americans wearing feathered headdresses. It was described as racist. Black people though are allowed to display such racial stereotypes without anybody objecting.

“BE CAREFUL! This Will Be The Biggest Crash In World History” | Robert Kiyosaki 2022 (Video)

Robert Kiyosaki warns about the biggest crash in world history on its way. “This is the everything bubble.” Robert explains how to prepare and what he personally does to take advantage of the times ahead.

We were right. (Video)

Paul Joseph Watson

The Most Violent City in the World? | Cartel War in Juárez | ENDEVR Documentary

Due to its geographical location, Juárez is a major staging point in the trafficking of drugs to the US. It is also one of the world’s most violent cities as drug cartels fight their turf wars there, murdering both gang members and innocent civilians with equal barbarity.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Video)

Hawaii Volcanoes, Hawaii — Stand in awe before the power of an eruption.

Graphic Quotes: Clay Travis on Censorship

“Never in my life have I seen an unholy trinity of of censorship like I’ve seen with the power of government, big tech, and the mainstream media all pulling in the same direction when it came to enforcing their own narrative on COVID.” – Clay Travis

Series: Wagon Train – Season 1

Starring: Ward Bond; Robert Horton; John McIntire. Stories of the journeys of a wagon train as it leaves post-Civil War Missouri on its way to California through the plains, deserts, and Rocky Mountains.

Click here to watch Wagon Train – Season 1.

The Band – The Weight

From the movie “The Last Waltz” with The Staple Singers

Ruby Ridge, 30 years ago, helps explain the FBI’s ‘Gestapo’ image

Unfortunately, Ruby Ridge was not an aberration as far as outrageous FBI misconduct. The bureau conducted a vendetta against the cattle-ranching Bundy family in Nevada, but a federal judge dismissed all charges in 2018 and declared that “a universal sense of justice has been violated” by their prosecution.

In the wake of the massive raid at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, politicians and pundits are hectoring Americans to blindly trust the FBI.

“The men and women of the FBI,” Attorney General Merrick Garland proclaimed, “are dedicated, patriotic public servants.” But the FBI would be more credible if it didn’t claim a right to secretly wield almost unlimited power.

Most Americans (53%) view the FBI as “Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo,” a recent Rasmussen poll found. FBI actions 30 years ago at Ruby Ridge help explain the G-men’s fall from grace.

Randy Weaver and his family lived in an isolated cabin in the northern Idaho mountains. Undercover federal agents targeted him and entrapped him into selling a sawed-off shotgun. The feds sought to pressure Weaver to become an informant, but he refused.


Complete text linked here.

How sports went woke (Video)

Campus Reform Reporter Alexa Schwerha spoke with Breakout host Jon Root about how woke culture has infiltrated sports.

Campus Reform Reporter Alexa Schwerha spoke with Jon Root, host of Turning Point USA’s “Breakout” podcast, about how sports have become the latest victim of left-wing influence.

Alexa met up with Tyson at Turning Point USA’s 2022 Student Action Summit in Tampa, Florida.

Root explained that recent political events throughout the decade contributed to the rise of politicized sports. He cited the Colin Kapernick debate and the alleged influence of the CCP in the NBA as prime examples.

“Every single team, league, organization feels like they need to make a stance on…political issues, and mostly they’re cultural issues,” Root explained, “and they’re aligning with the left.”


Complete text linked here.