The Second American Civil War, and Ways to Win It

In conclusion, now is not the time to be complacent about life in America — there is too much at stake.  Citizens who love America with its cherished constitutional freedoms and rights truly need to become active and help win America’s second civil war!

The recent clandestine FBI raid on the home of President Donald Trump leaves little doubt that America indeed is in the midst of a second civil war.  The war thus far is a non-shooting war with multiple “fronts” of attack waged and supported by both domestic and foreign enemies.  If they are successful, they will have effectively nullified America’s constitutional republic and negated most, if not all, of Americans’ cherished constitutional rights and freedoms.

This civil war is being waged successfully against the American republic by multiple organizations and numerous powerful, very wealthy people (“progressives”), all striving to control the manner in which Americans think, speak, and act.  Because Americans’ unique constitutional freedoms and rights are under severe attack, there is an urgent and immediate need for all patriotic Americans to get actively engaged.

This article suggests three actions that patriotic citizens can take to become effectively engaged against the enemies of their republic.  The power of a single citizen can be profound.


Complete text linked here.

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