Democrat lawmaker: ‘Spare me the bull**** about constitutional rights’

Party acts on Biden’s claim the 2nd Amendment is not ‘absolute’

In his primetime address to the nation Thursday night, President Biden declared the Second Amendment is not “absolute” as he presented eight gun-control proposals.

Earlier Thursday, members of his party reflected that malleable view of the Constitution in a debate during a House Judiciary Committee meeting on the Protecting our Kids Act. The bill focuses on banning sales of semi-automatic weapons to those under age 21 and banning high-capacity ammunition magazines.

One Democrat angrily spit out an epithet about “constitutional rights” when a Republican lawmaker appealed to the Bill of Rights. And another vowed to eliminate some of the checks and balances established by the Founders that distinguishes a republic from a majority-rule democracy.

Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., was responding to the argument posed by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., that so-called “red flag laws” authorizing the confiscation of weapons from a person who is suspected without probable cause of being an “imminent danger to themselves and others, such that they might commit mass murder” violates an individual’s due process and Second Amendment rights.


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