Ron Perlman Advocates For Secession

What do you make of Perlman’s endorsement of secession?

Actor Ron Perlman, known for roles in Pacific Rim, Hellboy, and Sons of Anarchy, recently expressed his support for secession.

Perlman took to Twitter where he wrote, “It’s time that every state they would elect republicans to represent them, and all of the rest of us separate.”

“You don’t wanna live in my world and I certainly don’t want to live in yours,” he added.

Perlman has made his disdain for Republicans, Donald Trump, and Trump supporters known over the past couple of years.

Back in 2018, Perlman shared an image of a fake quote from Donald Trump. A representative from People Magazine had previously addressed the fake quote saying, “People looked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct. We combed through every Trump story in our archive. We couldn’t find anything remotely like this quote –and no interview at all in 1998.”


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