Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Patriarch of the EU, Prophet of the Master Race (+ Audiobook)

The general staff of both parties recruits itself from the spiritual leader-race of Europe:  Jews.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi  (16 November 1894 – 27 July 1972) was an Austrian-Japanese politician, philosopher and Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. A pioneer of European integration, he served as the founding president of the Paneuropean Union for 49 years

Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

In 1925, Count Coudenhove-Kalergi published his book Practical Idealism in Germany. The “Idealism” which he proposes/predicts is a Europe of open borders which would eliminate the nations and create a mongrelized population which be led by the Master Race.

Excerpts from Practical Idealism:

From then on, the religious Jewish community united as an artificial nationality and stood against all others. Through unspeakable persecutions, Christian Europe has tried to extinguish the Jewish nation for a thousand years. The result was that Jews who were weak-willed, unscrupulous, opportunistic or skeptical were baptized in order to escape the never-ending persecutions. Other Jews who were not clever, smart or inventive perished under the harsh conditions. What ultimately emerged from all these persecutions was a small community that was hardened by the heroic martyrdom for an idea and purified of all weaknesses and poor mental qualities.

Instead of destroying Judaism, Europe has, against its knowledge, through artificial natural selection, raised the leading nation of the future. So it is no wonder that this nation, the descendants of ghetto prisoners, is becoming the aristocrats of the mind in Europe. Kind providence has graciously given Europe, through the emancipation of the Jews, a new race of aristocrats of the mind. When feudal aristocracy decayed, the first example of this growing aristocracy of the future was the revolutionary noble Jew Lasalle, who combined to a great extent physical beauty character of noble courage and sharpness of mind. Aristocrat in the truest and highest sense of the word, he was a born leader and guide of his time.

It’s not that Jews are the new nobility; rather, Jews are the womb from which emerges a new, spiritual nobility of Europe; the kernel from which a new spiritual nobility gathers.  A spiritual-urban master race is being educated:  idealistic, spirited, and sensitive; brave as the feudal nobility in their best days; joyfully taking death and persecution, hate and contempt in order to make humanity more ethical, spiritual, and happy.

The Jewish heroes and martyrs of Eastern and middle Europe’s revolution are no less brave, enduring or idealistic than the non-Jewish heroes of the World War, but they surpass them intellectually. The essence of those men and women who try to liberate and renew humanity is a strange synthesis of religious and political elements; heroic martyrdom, intellectual propaganda, revolutionary vigor and social love of justice and compassion. These characteristics that once made them the creators of the Christian world movement are placing them today at the top of the socialistic, with both of these attempts at salvation in [spiritual and moral], Judaism has gifted the disinherited masses of Europe more wealth than any other nation.

Just as modern Judaism has more important men per capita than the other nations, barely a century after its liberation, this tiny nation is with Einstein at the top of modern science, Mahler at the top of modern music, Bergson at the top of modern philosophy, Trotsky at the top of modern politics.


Throughout the millennia, Christianity and Socialism are both attempts to establish a kingdom of God. Two millennia ago the early Christians, not the pharisees and seducers, inherited and revived the traditions of Moses. Today, it is neither the Zionists nor the Christians, but the jewish leaders of Socialism, for they also want to eradicate with great self-denial the original sin of capitalism and free humanity of injustice, violence and slavery, and transform the atoned world into an earthly paradise. To these Jewish prophets, who are preparing a new world epoch, ethics are primary in all things: politics, religion, philosophy and art.

From Moses to Hans Vaihinger(?) , ethics was the main issue in Jewish philosophy. Hans Vaihinger, in this ethical attitude toward the world, lies the root of the unique greatness of the Jewish people, and the same time the danger that Jews who lose their faith in ethics to fall into cynical egoism. Whereas others, even after loss of their ethics, still retain a wealth of nightly values and prejudices [man of honor, gentleman, cavalier, etc.] that safeguard them from a fall into value chaos. What separates the Jews from the average urban citizen is mainly that they are inbred people. Strength of character combined with sharp intellect predestines the most excellent specimen of the Jews to become leaders of humanity, either false or real spiritual aristocrats and protagonists of capitalism or revolution crisis of nobility.


The aristocrat as role model is an ideal concept. The highest requirement is that aristocracy coincides with nobility and leadership with role models, that perfect people become leaders. From the majority of mankind in Europe that only believes in numbers in majority, two quality races stand out: blood nobility and Judaism. Separate from each other, both believe in their higher calling, in their superior blood and in the difference of the races. In these two heterogeneous, superior races lies the heart of Europe’s future nobility.


The struggle between capitalism and Communism about the inheritance of the defeated hereditary nobility is a brother’s war of the victorious intellectual nobility, a struggle between individualistic and socialistic, egoistic and altruistic, heathenry and Christian spirit.  The general staff of both parties recruits itself from the spiritual leader-race of Europe:  Jews.


The physical and nervous Weakness of many Jews spiritually superior leads to a lack of physical courage (often in Together with the highest moral courage) and an uncertainty of occurrence: Properties still appear incompatible with the chivalrous ideal of noble people. Thus the spiritual master race of the Jews has to suffer the slave trains people to him has stamped its historical development: still wearing many Jewish Leaders and entertainment personalities gesture of the unfree, oppressed people. In their Gestures are often debased aristocracy aristocratic Jews as outstanding. These deficiencies of Judaism, created by the development, through the development will again disappear. The
rusticization of Judaism (a main goal of Zionism), coupled with sports education, the Judaism of the ghetto rest, which it still bears today in themselves, free. That this is possible is shown by the development of American Jewry. The real freedom and power that has won Judaism, the same consciousness, the consciousness gradually posture and gesture of the free, powerful people to follow.


Practical Idealism – Audiobook

Full text of “Coudenhove-Kalergi Practical Idealism English Translation” This work was translated using Google Translate.

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