Monthly Archives: October 2021

Ireland’s national broadcasting service celebrates Black History Month in a strange fashion (Video)

RTE, the Irish national broadcasting service is producing what they describe as ‘history lessons’ about British and Jamaican people from the nineteenth century. This is presumably being done as a preliminary step in preparing the country for an influx of immigration in the coming years.

Foreigners in the Gulag. Stalin’s foreign slaves (1996) – Documentary

For half a century the Soviet Union’s labour camps made virtual slaves of millions of Russians. But the Russians were not the only ones who suffered. Tens of thousands of foreigners were also caught up in this nightmare world. Using what was newly-released film from the archives and testimonies of former prisoners, this film traces the history of these slave-labour camps.

12 year old on a Mission: how one student took on CRT (Video)

Carol Swain interviews 12-year-old Tyler McMurray about his decision to take a stand and speak against CRT being taught in his school.

Original source.

Movie of the Week: Dinosaur 13 (2014)

With Stan Adelstein, Lanice Archer, Robert Bakker, Philip Currie. A documentary about the discovery of the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil ever found.

Click here to watch Dinosaur 13.

Van Morrison Greatest Hits Full Album 2021

Best Songs of Van Morrison

Complete Classic Movie: The Wolf Man (1941)

With Claude Rains, Warren William, Ralph Bellamy, Lon Cheney Jr., Bela Lugosi. Larry Talbot returns to his father’s castle in Wales and meets a beautiful woman. One fateful night, Talbot escorts her to a local carnival where they meet a mysterious gypsy fortune teller.

Click here to watch The Wolf Man.

W.H.O. Vows ‘Profound Transformation’ After Mass Sexual Abuse of Ebola Victims

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) announced plans on Thursday for a “profound transformation” of its “culture” in the wake of the agency’s latest sexual abuse scandal in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.), U.N. News reported.

“The suffering of survivors of sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by World Health Organization staff during the?tenth Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.) is going to be ‘the catalyst for a profound transformation’ of W.H.O.’s culture,” W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on October 21.

Tedros referred to several incidents of alleged “sexual abuse and exploitation (S.E.A.)” perpetrated against locals by at least 21 W.H.O. staff members in the D.R.C.’s North Kivu and Ituri regions from August 2018 to June 2020. The W.H.O. appointed an independent commission to investigate the allegations of S.E.A. The commission published its initial findings on September 28 in a damning report that detailed “multiple allegations of rape and offers of employment in exchange for sex,” Tedros acknowledged on October 21. Several alleged victims told the commission’s investigators they became pregnant after being raped by male W.H.O. workers. Some further alleged that their perpetrators then forced them to undergo abortions.


Complete text linked here.

Congressmen Call for Olympics to Ban Chinese Team over Genocide

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to not just relocate the 2022 Winter Olympics out of China but ban Chinese athletes from participating in a letter published Thursday.

The call to prevent China from participating in the Games at all is an escalation from the international movement to boycott the Olympics, scheduled to begin in February, as most who oppose the Olympics have called for countries to withdraw their own athletes and corporate sponsors to drop China. Few have addressed what role, if any, Chinese athletes should have in the event.

The two lawmakers, who are part of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), have been in contact with the director-general of the IOC, Christophe De Kepper, encouraging the IOC to reconsider allowing Beijing to host the Olympics given the extensive list of human rights abuses the Communist Party is currently perpetrating. The official stance of the American government under both Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden is that the systematic enslavement, imprisonment, torture, rape, and sterilization of ethnic Uyghur people and other Muslims in China constitutes genocide, arguably the most severe human rights crime a state can commit. The Party has also systematically oppressed Tibetans and other minorities around the country and, for decades, killed and torture political dissidents and members of religious groups the Party does not control.


Complete text linked here.

Complete Classic Movie: Switchback (1997)

With Danny Glover, Brent Hinkley, Dennis Quaid, R. Lee Ermey. An FBI agent tries to catch a serial killer who kidnapped his son.

Click here to watch Switchback.

Why Most Millennials Will Die Bankrupt, Sick, Alone and Depressed (Video)

Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic