Monthly Archives: October 2021

Douglas Murray: UK needs to have open discussion about threat of Islamic extremism (Video)

Author Douglas Murray says there is nowhere near enough honest and open debate about combatting Islamic extremism in the UK.

Films & Firearms || Explaining The Age Old Protocol For Guns On Movie Sets (Video)

There is an age old protocol regarding firearms on movie sets all of which must have been ignored. Here’s my perspective on the many things that went wrong.

Complete Classic Movie: Wind River (2017)

Starring: Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen. An FBI agent teams with the town’s veteran game tracker to investigate a murder that occurred on a Native American reservation.

Click here to watch Wind River.

“What Is Happening in the United States?” (Video)

“Age of Reagan” author Steven F. Hayward addresses the question. Participated, Tamás Magyarics, Americanist, former Diplomat, Head of Hungarian Review/Conservative. Moderated by John O’Sullivan, President of the Danube Insitute.

VIDEO: Lyft Recorded over 4K Sexual Assault Cases from 2017 to 2019

The Lyft company recorded 4,158 sexual assault cases occurring from 2017 to 2019, its first safety report said.

The company noted there were 1,096 reports of sexual assaults happening in 2017, 1,255 in 2018, and 1,807 in 2019, CBS News reported on Friday.

The company explained it does not report alleged sexual assaults to law enforcement, handing the decision over to alleged victims who ultimately file the reports.

However, it does offer support in the form of “counseling, emotional support and crisis intervention,” the outlet said.

“Generally speaking, individuals who are accused of committing the types of incidents detailed in this report will be permanently removed from the Lyft community, preventing them from riding or driving in the future,” the company continued.


Complete text linked here.

Marion Maréchal: France’s Éclaireuse

The Populist Interviews: Marion Maréchal on Post-Covid Europe, French Elites, the European Union, and more

Marion Maréchal became involved in politics at a young age. At first as a mere grassroots activist in the National Front, founded by her grandfather, Jean-Marie Le Pen. In 2012, she got into parliament from the party’s lists, as the youngest MP in the history of the French Fifth Republic. In 2017, she decided to withdraw from active politics, but only to continue to fight in the realm of ideas. She founded ISSEP (Institut des sciences sociales, économiques et politiques) school of political, social and economic sciences and an affiliated think tank. She is seen by many as the hope of the French Right, as speculations of her return to politics never seem to wane. Her speech at CPAC in the US in 2018 introduced her to the American Right. She has a little daughter. This year she married an Italian MEP, Vincenzo Sofo, a member of the right-wing party Fratelli d’Italia.

The following — part of a series of interviews on IM—1776 exploring ‘populism’ and its impact — is a slightly edited (for clarity) transcript of an interview which took place in Paris, on October 5, 2021.

Tyszka-Drozdowski: Ms. Maréchal, how do you think has France and the world in general changed since the pandemic began? Do you think the new institution of Lockdown, the psychological effects on people, and the laws of the ‘New Normal’ such as masks and social distancing measures are here to stay?

Marion Maréchal: France remains one of the most restrictive countries in Europe. We have had a series of ridiculous moves, lies and incompetence, the level of which has been truly unbelievable. For almost two years now we have been living under a state of emergency regime that suspends the normal functioning of our institutions. The president and the government can violate fundamental freedoms with a simple decree. The courts and tribunals, of course, accept every decision of the government, without ever questioning it. Today we live with the so-called pass sanitaire [sanitary pass], which is vaccine coercion in disguise, because the unvaccinated are supposed to test themselves before every time they go to a café or a restaurant, or even a public hospital. If you’re not tested, you can’t even use the hospital that you pay taxes for. As of October, testing will no longer be free. In my opinion, we have entered the logic of the Chinese social credit system, and I say this weighing my words. We now have two categories of people, the vaccinated who are entitled to a normal life, and the unvaccinated whose lives are being made impossible. I am amazed by this, given that we are one of the most vaccinated countries in the world and the current epidemic situation does not warrant maintaining these measures. Even the Conseil constitutionnel [a body that determines the compliance of passed laws with constitution] has said that it only approves these measures on the condition that they are time-limited. So I think we have entered a period when reigns the logic of a state that claims to pursue the public ‘good’ despite the public will and regardless of the public’s wishes. Evidently these tools that the state has appropriated for itself during the epidemic can be used in the future for other policy purposes, i.e. for example, restricting movement in the name of ‘saving the planet’. I believe that everyone in Europe will be given a digital identity which eventually will contain all of our social, fiscal, banking and health information. When these tools end up in the wrong hands, it will bring about a level of social surveillance that is greatly concerning to me. One can imagine someone not paying a ticket tomorrow, or not being vaccinated and losing their right to live a normal life.


Complete text linked here.

Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play “Ghostbusters”

Colt and the kids have been working on a Halloween set list for a few weeks now. We listen to it just about every night in the truck. Tonight’s song will kick off a week of Halloween themed songs.

The GOD EMPEROR on Manufactured 1st World Problems (Video)

Felix Rex

Portland Police Stand Down As Rioters Cause Over $500K In Damages

By the time the rioters finally dispersed at about 11 p.m., they’d wreaked havoc on at least 35 separate locations, including retail stores, banks, government buildings, and coffee shops, the PPB said. No arrests were made.

Recent law changes forced Portland police to stand by and watch as a mob of approximately 100 rioters tore through the downtown area causing over $500,000 in damages last week.

The night of Oct. 12, the violent anarchists set dumpsters ablaze, blocked off roadways, smashed out storefront windows, and spray painted antifa and anti-police messages such as “KILL COPS” and “RIOTS WORK” throughout the downtown corridor, photos shared by the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) showed.

“Officers were called to respond citywide, and all but the highest priority life safety 911 calls were left to hold so officers could be dispatched,” the PPB said in a press release.


Complete text linked here.

Complete Classic Movie: Clay Pigeons (1998)

With Joaquin Phoenix, Gregory Sporleder, Georgina Cates, Vince Vaughn. After hearing that his wife sleeps with Clay, Earl kills himself, making it look like Clay shot him. The widow doesn’t like it when Clay starts sees another woman instead. Bodies start piling up.

Click here to watch Clay Pigeons.