Monthly Archives: October 2021

The Spy Who Stole the Atom Bomb | Free Documentary History

Newly declassified MI5 files reveal the story of the female spy who stole Britain’s atomic secrets and gave them to the Soviets. In January 1941, Ursula Kuczynski, a Jewish German refugee, arrives in Oxford with her children, on a British passport. She has no possessions, no accommodation and seemingly no connections in the area. But this woman has a secret – she is a Soviet spy.

Mom Says 6-year-old Asked if She was Born Evil Because She was White, Was Taught This in Loudoun County

“My children are now in private school and are thriving. We have moved them out of LCPS due to the swift and uncompromising political agenda of Superintendents Williams, Zeigler, and the school board has forced upon us. In the early spring of 2020 when my six-year-old somberly came to me and asked me if she was born evil because she was a white person. Something she learned in a history lesson at school.”

It needs to be pointed out that in 2020, Joe Biden won Loudoun County by 24 points. I saw an analysis today that Glenn Youngkin can lose Loudoun by up to fifteen points and STILL be in good shape to win the governor’s race. So when you see a diverse group of parents and teachers speaking out as they have been throughout 2021, this isn’t Trump Country. That doesn’t get said enough.

Now watch this mother’s story about how Loudoun County taught her six-year-old that she was evil for being white.


Complete text linked here.

Middlebury hires counseling director who claims ‘whiteness’ is the cause of ‘psychic suffering’

A liberal arts college in Vermont is hiring a psychologist that blames “whiteness”, among other things, for mental health problems.Alberto Soto will serve as Middlebury’s Director of Counseling.Soto told the college newspaper that he wants to move mental health policy at the college in a more progressive direction.

Last month, Middlebury College hired Alberto Soto to serve as its Director of Counseling. In an interview Soto told The Middlebury Campus that “source of all our psychic suffering,” are “whiteness, heteronormativity,” and “patriarchal systems”.

“The body and mind cannot be healed solely by self-care and focusing on surviving,” Soto told the student newspaper. “At some point we must address and identify the source of all our psychic suffering, which is whiteness, heteronormativity, patriarchal systems, etc.”

Soto earned his PhD in psychology at Brigham Young University, a conservative, Mormon institution. 

Soto cites a bad experience with a therapist in Idaho following the death of his brother as influencing the direction he hopes to move the college’s mental health services. He attributed the poor quality of care he received to a lack of cultural competence on part of his former therapist.

The article states that, following that incident, Soto now approaches counseling by focusing on the supposed connection between social justice and mental health.


Complete text linked here.

Rachmaninoff – Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18: II. Adagio sostenuto

Helene Grimaud

Roman Gate To HELL Where Animals DROP DEAD! (Video)

Around 200 BCE ancient people would flock to a Temple in the City of Hierapolis, which was part of the Roman empire in modern day Turkey. Located on top of a cave was what they believed to be the Gateway to Hell, named Plutonium after the God of the Underworld Pluto. Animals of all various sizes from birds to bulls would drop dead at the entrance or soon after as the people believed the cave was thought to exhale the breath of death, of course more than 2000 years ago this was quite the phenomenon to behold.

Tucker: This is the most deranged story in history (Video)

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host slams the Biden administration for considering reparation payments to illegal immigrants.

Complete Classic Movie: A Perfect Murder (1998)

Stars: Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow, Viggo Mortensen. Millionaire industrialist Steven Taylor is a man who has everything but what he craves most: the love and fidelity of his wife. A hugely successful player in the New York financial world, he considers her to be his most treasured acquisition. But she needs more than simply the role of dazzling accessory.

Click here to watch A Perfect Murder.

DOJ: Seven Companies Hired Illegal Aliens in Million-Dollar Fraud Scheme

This week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced guilty pleas among 12 individuals across seven construction companies in Marion County that were involved in an illegal hiring and fraud scheme which is now the largest criminal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) operation in the region’s history.

Seven construction companies have been found to have hired illegal aliens in a multimillion-dollar fraud scheme against the government. All seven of the companies did business in Marion County, South Carolina.

They used unlicensed check cashing companies in order for the illegal aliens to cash their checks. They were paid well below what normal construction workers were paid. Those companies issued fake worker compensation certificates.

The DOJ says that 12 executives have pleaded guilty and all could receive sentences of up to five and a half years in prison. On top of that, each one can be fined $253000 dollars.

Their scheme hurt eligible workers, millions in pay, and the local government tax revenues in the tens of millions of dollars.

On top of that, they defrauded the IRS of tax revenues that they should have paid.


Complete text linked here.

We’re Being Treated Like Cattle (Video)

Brittany Sellner

Report: Biden Considers Paying Border Crossers $450K Each in Reparations

President Joe Biden’s administration is considering a plan that would give border crossers, who were subjected to former President Donald Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy, about $450,000 each in a reparations-style payout.

Trump had instituted the Zero Tolerance policy at the United States-Mexico border in 2018 to reduce illegal immigration. The policy, as Breitbart News reported at the time, had been effective since at least before 2001.

As a result of the policy, adult border crossers were often put into separate holding facilities from the children they arrived with at the southern border. Since then, the border crossers who were subjected to the policy have sued the federal government.

The Biden administration, the Wall Street Journal reveals, is now weighing whether to provide those border crossers with $450,000 each as part of a payout in the lawsuits filed.

In some instances, a migrant family could secure about $1 million from such a payout, more than some of the American families received following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The payout, overall, could cost American taxpayers more than $1 billion.


Complete text linked here.