Gen. Keith Kellogg: Our military and the alarming disappearance of accountability

Too many have forgotten that they lead the military to fight and win our nation’s wars

Accountability remains one of the most important tenets in leadership and, until recently, was a crucial component to success in the military.  Accountability develops trust, demonstrates stewardship, and influences decision-making. By virtue of its necessity, it is interwoven into nearly every aspect of life in uniform. Troop formations, combat success, physical fitness tests, individual performance reports, financial liability investigations for property loss — all are mechanisms and tools of accountability.   

Dangerously, accountability in decision making at the highest levels of the military appears to have all but disappeared. Over the past decade, stars on shoulders became Afghan participation trophies and we all but celebrated mediocrity in our leaders. 

As Kabul fell so did our trust and faith in our military senior leaders. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ‘just-for-show’ hearings in Congress that followed indicate the weakness and inability of our uniformed and elected leaders to accept the most fundamental aspect of their job…accountability. 


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