Denmark says ‘non-Western’ immigrants cost state 31 billion kroner

The cost to the state of immigration from countries defines as ‘non-Western’ was 31 billion kroner in 2018, according to an annual report from the Danish Ministry of Finance.

Calculated as a net cost or nettobidrag, the figure is based on state spending on public services related to immigration and welfare benefits received by immigrants.

This means that, along with spending on benefits, the costs of public services to which everyone in Denmark has access are included in the calculation.

As such, the costs per person of things like health care, child care, education and culture are factored into the calculation of what the state spends on specified groups and individuals.

Tax contributions from persons who fall into the category ‘non-Western immigrant or descendant’ are deducted from the total.

In a press release on Friday, the finance ministry said that the figure was 2 billion kroner less than in 2017, and down from 42 billion kroner in 2015. The full report can be found here.


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